©Wayne Webb and constantwriting.blogspot.com, 2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Wayne Webb and constantwriting.blogspot.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
By Wayne Webb
The growl, which started in the middle of
the room, not far from where the yelp was, grew outwards like a wave and the
entire area was filled with the noise of these creatures, whatever they were
carrying on this now feral sounding cry. It intensified and echoed in the
confined and sightless space, the walls and ceiling wherever they were causing
the noise to fold back on itself.
The creature he had thrown was still making
the pathetic noise, and it was getting steadily more plaintive and fearful as
the growling rose to a roar. Then there was scrabbling sound as the creature at
the center of this sound attack moved rapidly, trying to get away.
The avalanche of noise that fell, cascading
into a cacophony of movement changed the tone of the aggression, escalating to
a vicious snarling maw, one group fueled sound of violence and intent as they
all raced to the point where the poor unfortunate lobbed beast had been thrown
by Liam.
These once placid and unmoved creatures,
now zeroing in on one of their own, buffeted his feet. This did leave the wall
free to be explored though and Liam took the opportunity to find the door,
locating it quickly and easily with nothing in his way. A button was easy to
find, it was in the position that he expected it would be based on the other
doors he had seen in the light, and a push of it opened the door, flooding the
area with light.
The creatures were ringed about the one he
had thrown, it was backed against the wall and the semi circle that formed
around him was pressing in closer and closer. The NINE processed the sight and
gave him the information as the pack broke formation and went in for the kill.
He had an excellent view from a slightly
elevated ramp was the creature in the middle, the yelping one was torn apart
bloodily by the pack it was a part of. The door closed automatically as the
NINE registered the creature as deceased, a fact made obvious by the state it
was in, strewn and eviscerated by its brethren. It was no longer even a corpse
as the body had been shredded by the multitudinous attack.
The creature was Sugar Wold, an innocuous
sounding name by first look but it had been named for the diet on which it
subsisted, living off a plant native to it’s home system that closely resembled
the cane sugar that once grew on the human home worlds. It was thought to be a placid and docile
creature and it was by a series of unfortunate accidents that led to a few
deaths that the true nature of the Sugar Wold was discovered.
They attacked in packs, and they only
attacked when in great numbers and even then only when they could sense the
fear in the prey. The one that Liam had hurled at the wall in frustration had
apparently been scared by the sudden flight and lack of ground beneath it,
slamming into the wall opposite and giving it more of a shock on top of that.
The creatures picked up on the fear, the
sole Sugar Wold knowing what would be coming dragged itself to a pit of fear
for the pack turning on it and exacerbated the problem, making itself more of a
target. Then the pack turned and Liam saw first hand what the little creatures
He felt nothing, no sorrow and no concern
for his own safety. The creatures were what they were and if they attacked him
in the dark he doubted he could have fended enough of them off to survive a
sustained, frenzied attack like that. He was walking through the valley of
death, quite literally if he had enough information to be scared. Others in the
same position may have felt something in the unknown of the dark.
Liam felt nothing.
He still felt nothing even as the door
separated him and the horde of ravenous creatures. By the sound of the pack
they had subsided now that there was no prey left to tear to shreds and the
bloodlust had been sated. The sound had carried through the low walls of the
under passage at first, when the door auto closed and slowly petered out,
rather than faded.
Now he was on the other side and the goal,
the exit was a short distance away, he had traversed some way through the
underground tunnel leg of the Gauntlet. If he had taken the others with him
they too could have survived, but it was also possible that one of them would
have reacted in fear to the encounter with an unseen and live organism in the
dark, which would have led to a confrontation, an event with the Sugar Wolds and
then, fear would have been an outcome.
Liam did not fear death, he welcomed it and
so as he stared back at the now silent wall he wondered if the creatures would
ever have attacked him, when he had no fear of them. He was happy to find the
great black exit hole and sink into it, but he could not do it voluntarily, it
had to be as brought on the by the game. What he wanted, desired and was hoping
for were all secondary concerns to the pre-programmed need to complete his
Liam looked about the rest of the course,
but he could not see or hear any sign of the other fifteen members of his team.
The NINE had not registered any deaths, no injuries and no completions, they
were all still in their own paths.
He had to wait, and so he moved to the exit
door and opened it to find Sharpe and his four recruits waiting on the other
side all in one piece, but looking a little weathered, their clothes steaming
with a fine mist and a scent of chemicals in the air.
Sharpe registered the arrival of the Team Leader
with a nod and then shot an inquisitive look at Liam, not saying anything but
clearly wanting to know what he encountered on his path.
“Sugar Wolds. In the dark. They… attacked
each other, they were more scared than me.” Liam told him, not realizing yet
why he felt a need to share the information but getting a tiny thrill at being
blasé about the encounter. In his service to date in the league this was
possibly the longest string of words he had put together. In the shuttle trips
and the drop ship missions, the team communicated via the NINEs and only really
about strategy and tactics. Reports and status updates were key to a flow of
information and keeping people on the same page, but they did not converse.
Now he had no other thing to do but wait for
the remaining ten recruits to exit their mazes, and there was a pull to the man
who had helped Brodie pull his damaged, pain wracked body over the wall in CBT.
This man had probably seen what Liam had seen, the light going out, the wall
between the mind and the pain of the body being raised and bliss setting in.
He would have no basis for comparison of
course, but he must have seen something like that in Liam when he was on the
verge, when he made the trip from victim to corpse and back to the Pod, just in
time to be ‘reset’. What had he seen, what did he know of the Nirvana that was
on the other side of that thin line?
“What did you see?” He said aloud, before
the words had registered properly he heard them coming out of his mouth,
sounding like a hollow echo in the small room.
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