©Wayne Webb and constantwriting.blogspot.com, 2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Wayne Webb and constantwriting.blogspot.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
By Wayne Webb
don't understand, why can't we just lock him up?” George Samuels
was still being held in the Black Site and had not seen friends or
family for over two weeks, there was no sign he was ever going to be
let go from the secure facility which made the quandary over Brian
Prime all the more galling.
is no legal way to take him to court, and based on the way the legal
system operates the trial would be a matter of public record. We
can't have any details of the machine or what it does getting made
public. The chaos it would cause is immense.” Kyle Stone had been
given a promotion of sorts, he was no longer an NSA divisional
manager, he was the Director on site of the Special Access Program
built around the device. His job was to find a way to deal with the
mess around the machine and the people involved in the dimensional
jumping, and maybe find a way to resolve the chaos created. So far it
had not been an easy job.
do kill people, I mean it's not exactly a huge stretch to call him a
threat to national security is it? The man is a fucking threat to
Global Security.”
Stone blushed a deep and angry red. “I understand your frustration,
and I understand your anger. Please keep your profanity to yourself.”
His tone was clipped and forced, what he really wanted to say was
buried deep beneath whatever principles he was striving to uphold.
Stone, it's not like we can just let this guy get away with it.”
but neither are we condoning an execution of an American Citizen.”
Kyle tapped the portfolio on the desk in front of him impatiently. He
wanted George to get on board and start the program asap. This back
and forth over someone they had no control over was pointless.
he's not is he. Not legally, not this America.”
pinched the bridge of his nose, and took a deep breath. Execution was
an option for George Samuels, and considering how much trouble he was
turning out to be the option had been discussed more than once at
levels above Kyle's pay grade. Things were not all they were cracked
up to be at the Project Banzai, the designated code word for the new
Special Access they created around the dimensional Prime problem.
they elected to keep the participants on side and use them to travel
the dimensional rifts and they were a dwindling resource at that. The
biggest problem that they had was Brian himself. There were more than
twenty five copies of the scientific mind that created the machine
and knew how to manipulate the dimensional shifting and creation
process. They were unable to reverse engineer the process completely,
he had recorded the steps necessary for universe sharding, and the
hopping between existing ones too, but there were a few things that
were as yet undiscovered. For example the process whereby he marked
the duplicated Ivans and Mikes for deletion was a black box. He had
shown the process in camera, the button pressing and the step by step
procedure on what he did, but some of the detail in 'how' it was done
was missing.
would enter a long string of numbers in some kind of alpha numeric
code that the best minds were unable to decipher. He had been given a
few weeks to live by the oncologist they brought in to examine the
survivors, and he had begged to be frozen in time, placed in the
glass case and have the stasis field applied. That had been his plan
all along, to collect a significant sum of money and eventually ditch
the others, either leaving them to their cut or if they became a
problem cutting them adrift in another reality. It was possible that
he planned to eliminate them entirely from existence, given the way
he freely admitted 'deleting' the copies before they propagated into
each dimension.
name he gave it was rationalising, but internally it had already been
nicknamed the 'Abortion' process and the questionable ethics and
motivations for it meant that anyone but Brian himself agreed the
term fit. There was no longer a Mike to deal with, he was absent from
every dimension.
same was almost true of Ivan, there were two copies of him but that
was all there was. Brian had not brought the men into the plan until
he had taken seven trips of his own, and put the earlier versions of
himself into the machines. There were many machines and there was
twenty four copies of the world, and each one had a copy of Brian in
a stasis machine, each at varying degrees of interactivity with the
machine. He had travelled to each of the six realities created
backwards through the logs and convinced each previous version of
himself to take a sabbatical in the stasis chamber while he undertook
the search for the cure.
trip in time caused a stress on the body, if you were travelling
through the dimensions. Each time he criss crossed back and forth the
problem was exacerbated. By placing the other versions of himself
into the stasis chambers, they did not gain any exposure to whatever
forces were mutating his DNA and giving him the tumours. For him
though, each time he created a universe, the tumours would grow a
little more. Where the cancer that would have taken two to three
years to progress on it's own, he was accelerating the process and
making it worse.
idea was that he would get enough money to fund research into two
branches of technology, and he would gather a team of minds to work
on each one. He would collect and collate the varying versions of
himself and make a virtual 'mind farm' using his own brain twenty
times over. The expense it would take to house, store and facilitate
such a project was in the millions. He knew very early on that the
cancer was caused by the machine, knew within three jumps that it was
going to come along unless he did something about it. In trying to
reverse the process he discovered he could jump back along the
dimensions one at a time, and in moving forward he discovered how to
prevent unauthorised copies of his accomplices from over balancing
the team in their favour.
had met himself on more than one occasion, and hence when he pushed
back into his previous selves he could easily convince them of the
cancer risk and get them on board to freeze themselves to be
defrosted later and work on the cure, or the solution.
two streams of work were a cure for cancer or a way to upload the
human brain into another body. Ultimately that would mean that they
would all have to transfer bodies at some stage, be it into a clean
copy of Brian Prime or into a new body that had never travelled
dimensionally. If he could put his mind, twenty or more versions of
it, into twenty or more clean healthy bodies then he would have the
immortal engine and ultimate think tank at his, at their disposal.
he started robbing the dimensions, he needed the assistance of the
criminal element, but he did not want them sticking around, and he
did not want to create an army based on the necessary evil with which
he had to align himself.
Stone hated the man, but they could not prosecute him and they could
not kill him, because they had too many potential problems to clean
up and they needed the original version who had the most amount of
knowledge and experience. So they put in the in the stasis machine
and froze him indefinitely. When they needed something they would
unfreeze, and he would be back and answering the question as quickly
as possible.
three questions he would always ask were:
the date?
you have the Solution?
What do you want?
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