Monday, July 1, 2013

Day 82 - Darwin's Game - Chapter 31 (2655 words)

©Wayne Webb and, 2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Wayne Webb and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


By Wayne Webb


Josh: Welcome to an unexpected episode of Survival of the Fastest! If you are just streaming or downloading for the first time, every week we have our own panel of experts to pick apart the latest round in that game that all the kids are talking about – Darwin's Game! And we do it all live in a reaction video which we then post unedited to youtube. This is Survival of the Fastest, no time for replays it's recorded all live, we have not seen the episode before we film our show and we are totally off the cuff! If you don't know who we are let me introduce you before we get on with this weeks panel and picture in picture of the round! I'm your host Josh, and these are my minions in attendance, Steve and Steve. Yes we know they're both called Steve, but what the fuck right, this is the internet – get over it. Original Steve here is our resident skeptic and Other Steve is our conspiracy theorist, these are my friends and this is Survival of the Fastest! I'm trying to keep my uploads thin as possible so without any further ado here is this weeks episode!

Other Steve: You know why this weeks episode is out early man? You know why right? There's a vote in the senate this week to enhance the Prism programme and legalise all that shit they got caught doing, they sneak all this stuff in so they can distract us all with this game and they can vote in more shit that’s is going to get us all in the end man.

Original Steve: There's NO WAY that the government is behind this, behind Darwin's Game. It is literally IMPOSSIBLE.

Josh: Here comes the punchline!

Original Steve: Because Darwin is good at his job! Since when would ANY government office be THAT good at their job? They can't cover up anything, they can't do anything right.

Josh/Other Steve: The Moon Landing!

Josh: Jinx! I knew you'd go there, that's too easy!

Other Steve: Grow up man, what are you like thirty four now?

Josh: Shut up, shut up it's starting. Okay here we have an Alleyway, ooh no a security camera on an alleyway, whats they bet that it's going to blow open to reveal the other side of the wall from last episode?

Original Steve:No bet it's too obvious

Other Steve: and Bam there it is! See there's your explosion. Now this makes me even more sure that this is a set up, I mean this Darwin dude just happens to have a camera set on the exact spot where the “totally unplanned” self detonation happened? I mean come on man, this is pure hollywood stuff right here. There are serious right wing republicans in the upper ecehelons of tinsel town guys, it's old news. They have to be behind this stuff.

Original Steve: I agree it seems too convenient, but this hole thing is planned way to well and structured perfectly, I have to agree with the nut job here that this is staged. It has to be.

Josh: Let's see where he goes, is it me or is there no one else around, is this like a quiet town somewhere, no one notices a bomb going off in their town, he's looking around … is he free? Whats going to … oh wait a fade to black? What's going on here then? An we're back with guns?

Original Steve: So we have four hardened criminals each with a rifle and ammunition, we assume that they are to hunt down the escaped guy, who is it again Vargas?

Josh: Yeah, John Vargas. The drug dealer, cop killer. The one who thought he was safe in Mexico and our MEP for a few episodes already.

Other Steve: What kind of guns are these does anyone know? I mean are they military only weapons? IS this another show that the CIA or the NSA are using national resources to run this game?

Original Steve: Do you even listen to yourself, I get you some times play this shit up for the cameras, but you sound fucking stupid you know?

Other Steve: Stupid like a fox!

Josh: that makes no sense dude. None. Hey what are those? Are they …?

Other Steve: Maps, they're maps right?

Original Steve: I think so, but back to my point we have four guys with guns wandering into town to kill another guy – how are they not just going to kill a bunch of people are get the fuck out of dodge?

Josh: Or how about one of them just pings the other three and the it's just one on one and the game is a whole lot shorter. Or do their collars stop them from doing that? It's a bit of guesswork when we don;t hear anything, don't get the same instructions they obviously get.

Original Steve: And we're back on Vargas and he's … you … there's no one else around, this is bizarre how come there's no one here? This is like some Quiet Earth shot here... oh.

Other Steve: You see! What did I tell you guys, it's a movie set, this is not a real town, this is a back lot, a studio set of a town, that makes sense, that makes perfect sense! I was right!

Josh: Dude I worry when you make sense, isn't that like a sign of the apocalypse or something?

Original Steve: Well it IS a set, a prop or whatever but that is not proof of any California Cabal going on.

Other Steve: California Cabal? I like that – I may have to use that.

Original Steve: Knock yourself out. I mean it literally, knocked out you'd be making more sense

Other Steve: Except now. Because I WAS right.... wait ooh it's colour, this is a set up man, look at the definition change, this is just proving me right Steve! Proving. Me. Right.

Josh: So we can see the size of this town, it's not actually that big now is it, there's a town squarey looking thing in the middle and some high buildings, so these guys with the sniper rifles, they have maps to go to … look you see we can see where they're setting up. So what do you think this is a turkey shoot?

Original Steve: So this is not what you think it is, once again Darwin is in charge and the whole thing is staged and manufactured for you to think and act a certain way and then it's Darwin that holds all the cards and makes all the rules. These guys have the guns, but there's no escape and there's not much they can do except play along right.

Josh: Got any favourites to win? Our current and record holding MEP (Most Evolved Player) is John Vargas for his win in the knife maze, the first time we saw the collars, then in the tiger cage he had it together the best there too, oh and the water feature too, he got the grasp of the water transfer and literally saved himself by getting to the switches first and doing it evenly.

Other Steve: But he's the chosen victim in this one though, I mean this is Darwin evening the score and putting Vargas in the sights of the other players, this game is fixed.

Josh: Is it? I mean did Darwin know that Parker was going to kill himself, and that it would break Vargas's collar? Is this the fix being in or is it just amazing contingency planning? You could see from the view before that this town set up was there all along and if ANY part of the walls on this side broke they would lead here somewhere, I think that this was a future episode and this is just the luck of the draw.

Other Steve: This is fixed, Darwin is not a real person man, this is … you could see Parker was on the brink he was going to snap, and snap hard I'm surprised he didn't try and take some others out with him.

Original Steve: I don't know, but in this round my money is on Vargas, he's canny and he's quick and the man is a survivor, we don't know shit about the others, not really. I vote Vargas.

Josh: Other Steve, your pick?

Other Steve: I don't know I don't like the look of the Suarez guy, he could be trouble.

Josh/Original Steve: Racist!

Other Steve: That's not what I mean, I mean he looks like he could be the guy, he took to that rifle like it was made for him yeah? Oh hang on... what do we... gentlemen we have a douche-bag. This is Somerset, he's eye-balling all of them, is he thinking what I think he's thinking?

Josh: He is … he's going to take out all of them? One of them? Is he looking to see which one has Vargas so he can steal the shot? Is this a smart move from Darwin, he's given Somerset the eagle's nest basically, the best positioned sniper is the one that seems to have no qualms in killing anyone.

Other Steve: This, guys, is Evan Simpson, the Gang Enforcer. Did I not tell you to watch out for this guy? I told you man the CIA trained some of the Gangs in the 70's and 80's to arm a race war against the inner city black gangs, and the white biker guys were their favourite to target the brothers!

Josh: Dude what's with the racism today?

Other Steve: What? I'm just telling you that's what happened man, I'm not saying it was right!

Original Steve: He's got a smart idea, he's keeping himself off of the radar from Somerset and laying low, this could be our MEP, not for the kill but for the best survival strategy.

Josh: Does this mean that we may have the Pedo as the MEP this week, is he going to take out the loser or losers this week? Hey it's actually twice this week, I mean in this round?

Other Steve: She was fifteen, so he;s only technically a Pedo, and there's some doubt that he actually knew her age, just that she was... holy shit I am defending a fucking murdering Pedo bastard. I should just shut the fuck up this week.

Original Steve: No, you shoud shut the fuck up.

Josh/Original Steve: EVERY!

Original Steve: ...Week. Thanks for the assist Josh.

Josh: Welcome Dude.

Other Steve: Ok don;t call me racist again but...

Josh/Original Steve: Racist!

Other Steve: Gee thanks, anyway! There's Suarez, I may have been right about him, he has the drop on Vargas.

Original Steve: He's.... he's... he's...

Josh: What's he waiting for? Is he or isn't he?

Other Steve: Somerset is going to snake his shot!

Original Steve: I don't think he can get into line from there. Oh man I think Suarez backed down, I think he got an attack of conscience. That's a death sentence in this game don't you think?

Josh: It looks like he had the perfect opportunity, and Somerset would have taken him out too if he hadn't seen Vargas just then I think, what do you think is going to happen now then? Who's got the kill who is going to survive to the next round. Is Somerset going to take out a couple of guys? Who's to say any of them can even shoot straight?

Other Steve: Can't all criminals handle a gun? You know what, that's not racist but it sounds like it should be? I really am not having a good week,

Original Steve: Here it comes, it's going to happen man, it's going to happen now.

Josh: What...? What are they waiting for? Is this the thing now? Are they all just too jaded by the game to take the shot? You'd think that by now they'd know that they're getting down to the final five it's going to get ugly right? Why isn't Rowlands taking the shot?

Other Steve: Maybe they are evolving, isn't this a bit like Survivor, now they need alliances to make it to the end? We haven't seen any … not that we know of yet... maybe this is the start of... oh shit, he's down, is that? That's the Pedo, he's taken the shot!

Josh: Is he dead? Is that it? Is the episode done now?

Original Steve: No look, he's still alive, but they are pinned down... is he giving him the gun? Maybe youre onto something Other Steve.

Other Steve: You know you can call me Steve right?

Original Steve: Where's the fun in that?

Josh: Oh shit, this is some Hollywood going on right here, it's like an action movie with bad angles and no close ups!

Other Steve: What was I just telling you? The California Cabal man!

Original Steve. Oh check that acrobatics, he's... he's going for the rounds, he's... that was so close, does he even know how close he got to... I guess he does. He gets off a shot!

Josh: Kudos to Vargas again, maybe he will get MEP for a fourth and record time?

Other Steve: And he's got a full clip, well five more rounds now, the Game is evening out, but he doesn't have the high ground advantage.

Original Steve: Oh My God! He can see, check that! The Pedo can see him, and he can't see … For Fucks Sake Man! Move!

Josh: You know he can't hear you right?

Original Steve: Jesus this is killing me! Well I guess not really, not like these guys are actually being killed. But you know the tension.

Josh: It looks like we'll have a winner in three … two …

Josh/Steve/Steve: Fuck!

Original Steve: Simpson For The Win! Fuck me that was.... wow. That was... you know as mad as you are, you may be right. That was some Hollywood tension, you can't make this stuff up.

Other Steve: Apparently you can.

Josh: And we fade to black and that is the end. Wow. Gentlemen, that was fucking mind blowing yeah? I don't know about you but that was a tense episode, it's hard to believe it was the second half of the obstacle course from the last, I guess first part of this round really? Do we have an MEP?

Original Steve: Simpson. That was survival and planning and timing, the man is... well he's my MEP this time and we'll have to pay more attention to him, he's been under the radar until now.

Josh: Other Steve?

Other Steve: Definitely Simpson's the MEP, but I think we're seeing the setting up of Vargas to be the Fittest in the end, how many times has he dodged a bullet figuratively and now literally?

Josh: And my vote, though redundant in the majority rules, makes it unanimous. Evan Simpson is the Survival of the Fastest's Most Evolved Player of the Week, or maybe we should change that to episode? Any predictions? Final words?

Original Steve: I give up trying to predict this, it's too … random or staged, I can't make up my mind to be brutally honest.

Other Steve: Wow. Did you see that shot, one shot one kill into Somerset, from across the square, with a rifle, one take? That's spook shit right there. That is NSA training in the gangs man, what I did I fucking tell you?

Josh: Right and on that note, we're done till next...week? Episode? Instalment? Who knows, but when it's out we'll be back and streaming to you as live as possible on our Survival of the Fastest channel, remember if you dig this, like us, share us, post us, plus us – we need them likes guys! Peace Out!

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