Webb and constantwriting.blogspot.com, 2013. Unauthorized use and/or
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By Wayne Webb
Brian was struggling with moving
Simon's arms, he had fallen heavily onto his side, trapping one arm
under his body and making it difficult to pry the arm free to shackle
it to the one lying free on top of his body. It was odd, trying to
move a man fully unconscious, he was a dead weight and did not react
to the ginger movements that the now timid once more man was trying
to use.
“Just turn him over or shoot him in
the head and be done with it for fuck's sake.” Michael was getting
irritated watching and waiting. A whimper rose from the floor as a
woman lying among the 'hostages' as she heard the casual mention of
shooting someone in the head. Michael pinched his brow and put his
head in his hands, nothing was going to plan.
“God is laughing.” he muttered to
himself and then walked over to help move Simon onto his back. Then
Brian sighed in relief as he put the cuffs on the knocked out guard
and rolled him on his side to be in a recovery position.
“You know that it doesn't... you know
what... forget it. Let's just get on with it yes?”
“Yes, the police will be here in a
few minutes, we should get into the vault.” Brian walked to the
back of the bank and straight to the Manager, nodding at the vault
room, expecting him to know what to do, but getting a blank look in
“He doesn't know, he's not done this
Mike and Brian spun around to find Ivan
standing in the doorway, and calling across the floor. “You want to
secure this door?”
Brian stared at the unexpected guest,
he had not been synced to the wrist device, it was anomalous that he
was here and not tethered to any of the reset switches. Already he
was thinking about the potential issues of Ivan being within range of
one of the devices when they reset. They did not need the added
complication of having him here and there at the same time, and yet
here he was. How could they avoid that?
“What are you doing here?” Michael
was not pointing the gun at Ivan, but the semi casual grip he held it
suggested it was ready, Ivan's eyes darted to it every few seconds,
watching for the movement. The lethargic, concussed way that Ivan was
moving earlier was gone now and his eyes and hands moved with care
and fluidity that showed he was back 'up to speed' again, ready to be
part of the plan, or potentially a spanner in it.
“We don't need it.” Michael said
bluntly, the gun hand still limp, but there was nothing in his way if
he decided to raise it for a shot.
“Yeah you do. He can't hack it, just
look at him.”
Brian looked lost with the gun in his
hand, standing near the bank manager and watching the two men face
each other off. Harold White, the bank manager was close enough to
take the gun from the scientist, and from the distracted way that
Brain was just standing there, gun lowered, watching intently but not
keeping an eye on the people near him, he could have gotten away with
Harold white knew enough about the
clientèle who the delivery was for. He knew the kind of business
they did and the element they attracted, the consequences of dealing
with rougher men in an ugly business. He was no hero, he was not
responsible for throwing himself on the grenade for his customers. He
knew that the best thing he could offer was the identity of the men
who dared to steal from them.
An example would be made of the men,
there were cameras trained on them, and there were back ups of the
video feed that went to an unknown destination. It was signed off as
a private security firm in the plans, but the security was more than
just private, it was connected. They would already have a copy of the
faces of these men, they would already see what was going on if they
were looking. The police were alerted, and when the police were
alerted it was highly likely that “they” would already be aware
of the raid, the heist or whatever this was. A delivery is made and
then the minute the client clears then these guys just show up. He
could have taken the gun from this guy, the one standing there
looking like he did not belong. The other one though, he looked like
he knew what he was doing, like he would not hesitate and he would
out draw, out shoot and out live them all in the here and now.
Once the tapes were seen, then his life
expectancy was much, much shorter. The best case scenario was that he
died in a police shoot out, that they all did all three of the men in
on this ill-advised job. This guy was out of place, he did not know
what he was doing, and this guy that just appeared from nowhere, he
was more the guy he would have expected. They had been robbed before,
just once a few years ago and they caught the guys who did it. Those
robbers, they were more organised and more efficient and definitely
better at hiding their identity. They were caught, they were
arrested, they were tried and sentenced to varying degrees of prison
terms. Every single person involved in that crime, even the
peripheral ones were now dead. Twelve people over three years, his
clients were patient and still unforgiving.
But these guys today? All three seemed
uninterested in hiding, the cameras were in plain sight and while the
sense of urgency was there, but they still made no effort to work
towards an exit strategy, did they even plan on getting out alive. If
they were caught then they were dead, if they got away by some
miracle then they would be found. The death toll on the first, last
and only previous robbery at this bank stretched to people that the
police and the bank did not know were involved. Yet they still died
and evidence linking them to the crime was 'discovered'. They were
examples, to prevent guys like this from attempting the very thing
they did not appear to be interested in concealing themselves from.
Harold caught Michael's eye and he
raised his hands and took a step back from Brian, showing how he
posed no threat at all. That caught Brian's attention and he swung
round suddenly, gun still lowered in his hand, pointed down at his
feet, not even pointed far enough away to avoid self harm.
“Block the door.” he growled at
Ivan and strode over to Brian. He took the gun away from him, getting
a blinking relief in return. “Head's up!” he yelled and threw the
gun across the room in a lazy arc to land in Ivan's outstretched
hand. With a grin Ivan pulled a stanchion from the queue line and
jammed it through the handles of the bank door and then shot at the
glass section of the double doors. The glass fractured around the
impact, showing a crater but it did not bow or shatter.
“What the hell! Why are you shooting?
Did you not listen to us at all?” Brian's stress and tension were
back and his head began to pound, he could feel the vein in his head
throbbing and pulsing under the thin skin of his temples.
“Calm yourself Brains. Calm yourself.
He's advertising the fact that we are in here and armed. We already
know they'll come in with tear gas and that was when we shot a bunch
of people, gunfire told them how we play, we haven't killed anyone
here but this way they know we are armed, but also that no one is
dead yet. It's a non verbal message.”
“Do you know who you are robbing?”
As soon as Harold opened his mouth he regretted it, he was not
supposed to bring attention to himself. He should have just kept his
mouth shut and waited for the police, for them to take what they
wanted and move on. Whatever plan they had, it should be either
spectacular or completely insane, and from the conversation he was
hearing, his money was on crazy.
“Yeah, we do.”
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